Some Observations On The Form Of “The Madina Document” And İts Translations To Turkish

Author : Mehmet ERDEM
Number of pages : 525-542


“The Madinah Document” refers to renowned contract that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prepared as constitution of new Islamic state after hıjrah i.e his flight from Macca to Medinah in 622 AD. This document is very important from the perspective of the history of law, because it is the first written constitution in the World. The first classical source that transported this historical document, is Ibn Hisham’s book named “al-Siratu’n-Nabawiyyah”. The writer quoted it from his teacher Ibn Ishak. In the classical soruces, this record has’nt been not arranged as articles but as a prose. For the first time, the orientalist Welhausen arranged it as 47 articles, and this form has been generalized. But, in my opinion, in this arrangement, there are some inconsistencies which prevent us to understand it correctly. On the other hand, a lot of Turkish studies, which reference to this document, have been taken from Hamidullah’s book named “Le Probhete de l’İslam” whic has been translated by Salih Tuğ from French to Turkish. However, there are some problem in the translation of some articles of the document. We tackled this study so as to attract attention to the problematic ways on the mentioned contradictoriness of that specifying style and translating.


Madinah Document, Reification, Cloudy, Mistake of Translation.

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