XVII. yüzyıl, Osmanlı devletinde iç karışıklıklar ve siyasi sorunların yoğun bir şekilde yaşandığı dönemdir. Bu yüzyılda Osmanlı sahası Türk edebiyatında usta şairlerinden biri olan Nâbî yaşamış ve Türk edebiyatında “Hikemî şiir üslubu” olarak bilinen edebi akımının kurucusu ve en önemli temsilcisi olmuştur. Nâbî farklı türlerde pek çok eser vermiş bir şairdir. Bu makalede Nâbî’nin Türkçe
17th century is a period which were lived intense domestic disturbances and political problems in Ottoman Empire. In this century, Nâbî, who was one of the skillful poets in Ottoman field of Turkish Literature lived and became the founder and the most important representative of a literary movement known as “Hikemî poem style” in Turkish literature. Nabi is a poet who gave great number of works in different types. In this article, Nâbî’s satirical poems in Turkish Divan were examined. Nabi’s Turkish Divan was transcribed by Ali Fuat Bilkan and published as two volume. All the poems were carefully investigated to determine satiricial poems in Nâbî’s Turkish Divan. Thanks to couplet completeness were taken into consideration in Divan poetry, only satirical couplets were included in our study. At the beginning, the genre of satire has been introduced, Nâbî and his poetic style have been briefly introduced, afterwards, satirical tradition in the 17th century in Ottoman era was described. Then, satirical poems in Nâbî’s Turkish Divan were investigated in terms of their forms, contents and style. Satirical poems, couplets and verses which are investigated at 7 main title according to their subjects, firstly are rewritten as prose and then the included saitrical elements are emphasized by briefly expounding. At the and, the article tries to determine Nâbî’s contribution to the tradition of