Author : Murat Yusuf ÖNEM
Number of pages : 829-842


From 18th century on, with the rise of western civilization, the Ottomans, who had a long-standing past, damaged our people’s mind especially our intellects’, by shifting its axis towards the west and by smashing a thousand-year of values as a result of swinging in its bearings because of the effect of that axis shift. Yahya Kemal, in addition to his efforts to remove the effects of that damage by glorifying our values in his works, tries to determine the direction of the new axis. After a nine year lasting Europe adventure, the poet returned to İstanbul in 1912, though he couldn’t get any graduation in that period, his researches on Turkish history and culture made it possible for him to recognize his nation’s values and focus on them in his works. In Atik Valde’den İnen Sokakta is important, as it mainly reflects Yahya Kemal’s position between general situation and values. Atik Valde’den İnen Sokakta was written in 1934. Before this year, Yahya Kemal became a member of parliament by Atatürk’s offer and turned into a political actor. He had to support and stand up for policies of the party he was involved in. Or he would have pushed his political position and future into danger. The azan has an important role in poet’s world from his childhood on. For Beyatlı, mother and azan are, even, reduplications like a name and surname that complete and remind each other. This case can be easily recognized in poet’s writings on his life. In the poem, in which the religious feelings are reflected, the poet’s not mentioning the azan – when it is about to allude it – must have some other reasons as Ahmet Haşim’s words his turning the azan into ‘a silent song’ .


Yahya Kemal, Atik Valde’den İnen Sokakta, poem, The Azan in Turkish, critic.

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