Bu calisma sosyal politika anlayisi acisindan vatandaslarin hak ve sorumluluklarini refah devleti ozelinde aciklamayi amaclamaktadir. Bu yapilirken, devletci ve liberal sosyal politika perspektifleri goz onunde bulundurulacaktir. Calismada ayrica sosyal politika uygulamalari ve anlayisi ile refah devleti algisi arasindaki kacinilmaz iliskiye deginilecektir. Liberal ve devletci uygulamalar arasindaki karsilastirmali analizler bu iddiayi destekleme egilimindedir. Bahsedilen kavram ve perspektiflere yonelik teorik cerceve sunmanin otesinde, vatandaslik algilamalarina yonelik alan calismalari da calismaya dahil edilecektir. Calismanin son bolumunde Dweyer ve Conover’in Ingiltere ve Amerika’da yuruttugu calismalara gondermeler yapilacaktir. Son olarak, bu metin liberal olarak adlandirilan ulkelerde bazi durumlarda devletci sosyal politikalarin uygulamaya konulabildigini gosterme egilimindedir. Bu noktada amaclanan, okuyucuyu gelismis ulkelerdeki hakim liberal soylemi ve liberal sosyal politika uygulamalarini gozden gecirmeye tesvik etmektir.
This study proposes to shed light on rights and responsibilities of citizens specific to welfare state in terms of social policy. When doing this, statist and liberal perspectives of social policy literature will be considered. Status of rights and responsibilities will be underlined in the light of these perspectives. Study also aims at demonstrating inevitable relationship between social policy implementations and welfare state idea. Comparison among statist and liberal perspectives will also include this inevitable relationship. In addition to conceptual framework, some field studies regarding the perceptions of citizenship will be incorporated into the text. Dweyer and Conover’s applied studies maintained in the USA and the UK will shortly be mentioned at the end of the study. Lastly, this paper tends to show some statist/paternalist social policy implementations in the countries so-called liberal. At this point, it is intended to allow reader to review major liberal discourse on developed countries and their social policy applications.