Author : Bekir BİÇER
Number of pages : 231-261


The key concept to be used to explain the history of Kurds is tribalism. Tribes are based on agnatical connections and means social, political, managerial, economical and cultural organizations. Kurdish tribes have never acted as a unity and have continuously been in a civil war. The center of the tribes is a mountainous land known as Kurdistan. In the age of Abbasis, The Kurds estabished many emirates and dynasties. In 11. century, Kurdish emirates came to the sovereignty of The Great Seljuks. The Kurds have never been under the rule of any states, not even in the age of Eyyubis. In order to preserve their own interests, Kurdish tribes resisted even Salahaddin Eyyubi. In fact, The Kurds who were faithful to the tribe aristocracy opposed to any kind of regime or authority. Kurdistan was subjected to Mongol attack in 13 century and to the Timurs' in 14 century. In 15 century, the Kurd geography was under the reign of Akkoyunlus and Karakoyunlus. Kurdistan witnessed the rise and fall of many empires and states. In contrast with what is claimed, the Kurds did not resist the invaders neither nationally nor collectively. Sherif Han states, "Since there is nobody among Kurds whose orders would be executed, they usually shed blood and do not abide by the social order." Throughout history, Kurds have founded little emirates and have never been able to found a great state by coming together, which proves this Turkish saying right: "Once a state is without its leader, the chairman of each town thinks of himself as the governor.” The fate of the land known as Kurdistan has followed a path which crosses with other Muslims'. In no age of history, have Kurds ever given the appearance of being a unity. And there is no time when Kurds have ever ruled the total territory of Kurdistan. The sovereignty in Kurdistan has changed hands in accordance with the management of the world and the Kurds have lived autonomously but dependent on the ruling states.


Tribalism, Kurds, Kurdistan, Kurds in the M

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