Author : Mehmet BAHÇEKAPILI
Number of pages : 889-922


This article, intends to analyse religious education in Finland, in subheadings such as the countries background, its demographic structure and the transformation process through the years, teaching programmes and the education of teachers. To meet this goal, foreign studies focusing on the religious education in Finland have been scanned, the up to date ones have especially been used to reflect the current circumstances. In addition, with the demographic rates of the religous groups in Finland, the latest date from Finnish Statistical Institute were based. It is conluded from the research that the religious education in Finland is a crucial element for the FInnish society and culture and is the key element in creation of national identity and conscience of citizenship. The most significant duty attributed to religious education is its functions as a bridge for Finland's yesterday, today and tomorrow. Along with this effect, it is expected from religious education to be taught to contribute the growing generation to absorb and be in


Finland, religion, education, aproach and curriculum

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