Author : Abdullah HARMANCI
Number of pages : 537-543


Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar who provided works in different genres of the literature had been seeking for the quite gnomic and efficacious pronunciation almost in all his works. His pronunciation inclined to aphorism and based on intensive weight of ideas borne by concise and conspicuous sentences has been a part of Tanpınar’s style. Şerif Oktürk reviewed the works of Tanpınar from 1977 and published sentences of author having features of epigrams into a book titled Thoughts, Opinions and Epigraphs from Tanpınar (1977). Book includes “1170 ideas in 185 topics”. It is seen that many different subjects have been treated in these epigrams of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar that spread the works in different forms such as novel, short story, essay, letter, article and journal and compiled by Şerif Oktürk. In the main subjects, followings can be considered; pain, name, tree, moral, family, mind, garden, start, science, to be fed up, boredom, geography, to work, child, resentment, to change, value, genius, mad, era, nature, night, youth, news, people, sincerity, woman, hero, machine, happiness, school, money, patience, imitation, nation, hope, land, Yahya Kemal, to write, author, to direct, time, intelligence, richness rtc. In this article, based on the compilation of Şerif Öztürk author’s use feature of epigrammatic expression that effected different genres of works have been examined, and following question has been attempted to be answered; mainly in which topics Tanpınar expressed his ideas; ideas he expressed in different topics have been summarized and reasons of the impressions left by his language and style on reader have been attempted to be understood.


The New Turkish Literature, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Epigram, Language and Style.

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