ALBERT CAMUS THE PHILOSOPHER ON THE BRINK OF LIFE: Meaning of life, Death, Suicide and Absurde
YAŞAMIN KIYISINDAKİ FİLOZOF ALBERT CAMUS: Yaşamın Anlamı, Ölüm, İntihar ve Uyumsuz

Author : Erdal ÖZ
Number of pages : 537-546


Every human, at least once, asks questions to himself/herself about meaning or meaninglessness of life. Owing to this, every human, at least once, thinks about suicide. Why does a human commit suicide? Is there only one reason to commit suicide, or are there so many reasons that we can not count? Once we get aware of meaninglessness of life, can we still continue to live? As being one of the most influential philosophers of 20th century Albert Camus investigated this issue in his studies. He thinks that suicide is only one really serious philosophical problem. Hence, he derives crucial questions from this point of view,such as is life worth living, is it possible to decide to stop living? In this study I would like to investigate life, death, meaning of life, suicide in the philosophy of Albert Camus. I also want to discuss these concepts with regard to Camus’ concept of absurde because being aware of absurdity of life brings human not to comit suicide, instead human chooses to continue to live. According to Albert Camus,this is a kind o f rebellion. At the end of this article,I hope, the reader will have some ideas about the fundamental concepts of Albert Camus.


Meaning of Life, Meaninglessness of Life, Death, Suic

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