Living Together in a Tolerant Society: Non-Muslim Armenian Citizens and Law in the Ottoman Society: A Case Study of Kayseri
Hoşgörü Toplumu’nda Birlikte Yaşamak: Osmanlı Toplumunda Gayr-i Müslim Ermeni Vatandaşları ve Hukuk: Kayseri Örneği

Author : Süleyman DEMİRCİ
Number of pages : 577-586


Tolerance occupying an important place in our cultural and civilized life is often described as overlooking the faults, respecting different ideas and cultures, and forgiving everything that is forgivable. However, nobody should have the right to act tolerantly on behalf of tolerance under the conditions where the law of others are in the foreground. As in


Armenians, living together, tolerance, Ottoman society, Kayseri

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