Author : İsmail CERAN
Number of pages : 143-164


Islam is the final and most perfect religion, appealing to all of humanity. The purpose of this religion is to establish a world where peace, security and justice reign and thus guide humanity to the right path from ignorance to knowledge, darkness to light. Hence forming an exemplary society, with morals and values, worthy of envy. However nowadays, especially in the Western world, the image of "Dangerous Islam and Aggressive Muslim" is being emphasised in the foreground. Consequently the Muslim is constantly being perceived as; devoid of love, compassion, and tolerance; an advocate of violence, terrorism and war; untrustworthy, devaluing humans and not at peace with modern life. Together with this and in light of history, the attempted image of Islam and the Muslim portrayed today is far from objective. Unfortunately, we have to admit that the Islamic world and Muslims have a share in this portrayal as well. Inevitably, as a result those Muslims who have adopted Islam, which is a religion of love, affection, peace, happiness, compassion and tolerance; must reflect on the current state looking at what has been achieved and determining what needs to be done before setting out. Indeed big difficulties do exist in the Islamic world, but there is also the reality of Islam. Already in the last 20 years in many Muslim countries important developments are taking place, not because of pressure from the rulers but because of the desire for freedom by the people; the potential energy of society is surfacing, intellectual and cultural level is perceivably progressing. During this constructive period, Islam's historic experience extending over 14 centuries and the impact of its universal principles should not be over looked. Today, in our ever shrinking world amongst a heap of negativity, Muslims must be vigilant; particularly, the voice of intellectuals must be loud, more resonant, strong, reaching out to everyone and embracing each segment in a constructive manner. In short, Islam should contribute to the modern world which is in search of peace, tranquillity and happiness, as the desired ideal model.


İslam, Muslim, Religion, the Prophet

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