Author : Reyhan DEMİR
Number of pages : 223-230


World Health Organization defines violence as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person or against a group or community, that either results in injury, death, psychological harm or maldevelopment(Linda L. And oth. 2002). Violence against children, child maltreatment and neglect are the sum of acts of commission or omission which are inflicted towards children by adults such as parents or caregivers, defined as unbefitting or harmful by the society and professionals, hindering or limiting the development of the child. As a result of these acts of commission or omission, the child may be subjected to physical, mental, sexual or social harm, and his or her health and security may be in danger (Taner and Gökler 2004). According to the research in the field, while many of the children experience violence on the streets, a vast majorty of children learns violence from television. Since this “learned fictionality” is at a level where the children could not make a distinction, it can cause serious traumas in the child who lives between the real and fiction. The child is human. It would be groundless to hope from a child to be an “ideal” individual or a human being, without presenting him or her good and accurate examples. But how right is it to mention about this “ideality” in a consumption-driven era where using communicative devices is encouraged rather than communicating with the parents? The child grows up with games. The space he or she fictionalized during the game is a reflection of how the child perceives reality. Many psychologists investigating children behavior concur that a child playing games and playing roles is doing some preliminary preparation for life. In this respect, children’s plays and the games children play are of great importance in the development of children. As the responses or penalties given to violent crimes the child committed mostly by fictionalizing the action as a game and playing accordingly become more irritating, the child, who sees himself or herself as innocent in his or her own game, may be pused towards depressive situations; or the expensive toys or technological devices which are bought by parents as rewards for raising so called “ideal” children, cause the children to grow up with visual inputs pertaining to adult experience or to become adult children, away from the innocence of children. This study aims at discussing the effects of visual inputs which contribute to the learned fictionalities on the violence tendency in children, and making some suggestions.


Violence, Learned Fictionality, Media, Fine Arts Training, Game

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